
Human Life Review Does Darwinism Devalue Human Life

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July 29, 1990


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The Moral Implications of Darwinism.

By James Rachels.

245 pp. New York:

Oxford University Press. $19.95.

More than two decades before ''The Origin of Species'' was published, Charles Darwin wrote in his notebook: ''Man in his airs thinks himself a not bad work, worthy the interposition of a deity. More than humble and I believe truthful to consider him created from animals.'' This passage, which inspired the title ''Created From Animals,'' roughly captures the volume's thesis. Co-ordinate to James Rachels, the thought of human dignity - which underlies our whole morality, including the concept of homo rights - is a relic of pre-Darwinian thought, the ''moral fetor of a discredited metaphysics.''

Mr. Rachels, a philosopher at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, isn't calling for the terminate of morality. Discarding the doctrine of human dignity can hateful lowering the moral condition of humans or raising the moral status of nonhumans, and Mr. Rachels's accent is ultimately on the latter. Though the volume'southward subtitle suggests a sweeping review of human morality in the light of Darwinism, its real accomplishment is narrower; it does an excellent job of enlisting Darwinism in the brute rights movement.

Mr. Rachels comes close to enlisting Darwin himself. Darwin opposed the utilize of steel traps against vermin, and he could become enraged at the sight of someone abusing a horse. True, he condoned the experimental utilize of animals for worthwhile enquiry, but not ''for mere damnable and detestable marvel,'' every bit he put it. The whole question of vivisection, he wrote, ''is a field of study which makes me sick with horror.'' One of Mr. Rachels'south main accomplishments is to bring Darwin to life as the thoroughly sympathetic grapheme (in both senses) that he was. For many readers, the book's primary allure may be the long starting time chapter, a well-baked and elegant summary of Darwin'due south life and work.

Mr. Rachels'due south primal argument is uncomplicated. Before Darwin, the thought of an insuperable boundary between humans and animals was usually dedicated in 1 of two means: ''Get-go, by the notion that man is fabricated in the image of God, and secondly, by the notion that human being is a uniquely rational existence.'' Neither of these, every bit Mr. Rachels shows in painstaking detail, survived the Darwinian revolution in skillful shape.

In denying the unique rationality of humans, Mr. Rachels doesn't deny that in that location are big differences between people and other animals.

He just insists that if we are going to treat a nonhuman differently from a homo, we cite differences relevant to that treatment. The hopeless illiteracy of a chimpanzee is a fine reason not to admit information technology to Yale, but if nosotros're most to strap it down and cut into its brain, the question isn't whether the chimp tin can read, but whether it tin suffer.

This insistence on relevant distinctions as the basis for the diff treatment of any two organisms Mr. Rachels calls ''moral individualism.'' The idea may sound too familiar and commonsensical to warrant a weighty new title, but he promises that it volition have distinctive implications: not only volition the condition of animals be raised; ''homo life will, in a sense, be devalued.''

This is an intriguing and important prospect, merely it remains just that; no dramatic devaluation is ever forthcoming. Mr. Rachels's paradigmatic example of moral individualism is this: Though the typical human'southward life may accept greater moral weight than the typical chimpanzee's (being richer in experience), the life of a child with Tay-Sachs illness, who is mentally degenerate and will die within months, is worth no more than a chimp's. This sounds shocking, but what does it mean in do? Hither'south the illustration we're given: If a hospital has the resources to save simply one of 2 children, and one has Tay-Sachs illness, the other should exist saved. Well, yes. If you set upward your example and then that one of two people has to die, the one who is about to die anyway would strike nearly people equally the meliorate candidate. But what about tougher questions? If a child with Tay-Sachs disease is really worth no more than than a chimp, can nosotros, say, use its kidneys or middle for a life-saving transplant?

One reason Mr. Rachels has problem answering such questions is that he never says how much a chimp, or any other animal, is worth. Though he generally opposes vivisection and meat-eating, he concedes that killing a complex beast (e.m. one of us) ''might be more objectionable than killing one that has a simpler life.'' And he believes that causing animals pain is acceptable if there is a ''good reason.'' Well, what reasons are good enough? We never observe out. He merely cites a reason that isn't good enough. And again the illustration seems chosen to persuade rather than illuminate: information technology's wrong, he says, to bailiwick caged civet cats to daily genital scrapings but to make perfume. I'll buy that. Just what well-nigh using them in AIDS enquiry?

In the end, Mr. Rachels's refusal to confront the tough cases leaves the verbal moral status of animals unclear, though definitely elevated, and the moral status of humans virtually unchanged. Aside from the Tay-Sachs example, the only example of devalued human life to flow from Mr. Rachels's philosophy is his less than radical proclamation that euthanasia and suicide are justified in sufficiently dire cases. Humans unafflicted by extreme physical or emotional maladies seem to escape the moral re-evaluation unscathed.

Merely why? Once the semidivine status of humans is gone, and nosotros're merely one notch up from animals that tin be hurt or killed if the payoff is high enough, why couldn't our deaths be justified for the greater good too? One time everything is relative, why do we get the protection of absolute rights? Apparently enlightened of the validity and gravity of this question, Mr. Rachels spends a few paragraphs constructing a novel rationale for the moral injunction against killing other humans. But the paragraphs accept a decidedly jerry-built experience to them.

There is a bones dilemma that makes it hard for brute rights activists to win nonfanatical converts while remaining philosophically consistent. Once you recognize that animals feel pleasure and pain, and that there is no solid moral barrier between us and them, you lot're left with only two obvious options: either grant absolute rights to all sentient beings, or grant them to none, united states of america included. I don't think Mr. Rachels has succeeded in discovering a third, more moderate, path. But he deserves credit for being among the few brute rights advocates to recognize the problem and the but one, so far as I know, to come up anywhere near confronting information technology systematically.


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